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General Laboratory Equipment

  • Adsorbable Organic Halogen Analyzer

    Due to its unique simplicity and independence of fixed gas supply, the AOX-200 can be setup in every laboratory that needs to determine water quality parameters. Together with optional absorption units, this enables customers to implement new analytical methods with ease.

  • Total Nitrogen, Sulfur and Halogen analyser

    The 2100 series product lineup summarizes Misubishi Chemical Analytechs many years of experience in various fields of combustion elemental analysis. The modular system allows to setup an instrument that specifically meets customers needs for high end performance, robustness, stability and reliability. It also makes it possible to upgrade existing systems with new injection or detection modules.

  • Karl Fischer Moisture Meter

    Model CA-200 Series –  It can modify in Coulometric titration method or Volumetric titration method with combination.
    Model CA-200,KF-200,VA-200,VA-210,VA-230,VA-121,VA-122,VG-200,AML-200 and VA-236S

  • Automatic Titrator

    The GT-200 potentiometric titrator is a versatile allrounder that can control up to 12 burets. A 5.7 inch color LCD, operation by keypad or mouse and predefined parameter sets for various applications make the GT-200 a very easy to operate instrument. 

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Solutions for Analytical Lab

  • Handheld XRF Analyzer - X-MET8000 series

    The X-MET8000 delivers the speed and performance required even in the most demanding applications, by using the optimized combination of a high performance X-ray tube and a large area silicon-drift detector (SDD).

  • Handheld XRF Analyser - X-MET7000 Series

    The X-MET7000 Series handheld XRF analyser is the flexible & easy to use tool of choice for elemental analysis in a wide range of industries

    Based on the proven technique of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF), the X-MET7000 Series is engineered for high performance and reliability, guaranteeing fast, non-destructive materials analysis at the press of a trigger.

  • Benchtop XRF Analyser - X-Supreme8000

    XRF analysis (X-ray fluorescence) with the highly flexible and powerful energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer X-Supreme8000 for quality assurance and process control requirements across a diverse range of industries.

    Analysis can be performed on a wide range of sample types including solids, liquids, powders, pastes, films, etc., from ppm to high %, covering elements Na11 to U92 in the periodic table.

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Solutions for Industry Lab

  • Petroleum Gauging Thermometers

    Thermometers With Cable Reel

  • Density Meters

    • High-precision Density/Specific Gravity Meters 
    • Portable Density/Specific Gravity Meters


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Solutions for Petrochemical Lab

  • Infraneo

    Infrared analyzer for whole grains and powdery products

  • Mixolab

    Measures the characteristics of dough during mixing, as well as the quality of starch and protein

  • Alveolab

    Visco-elastic properties of wheat dough

  • Rheo F4

    Unique solution to analyze in one single test the dough proofing properties

  • SDmatic

    Analyze damaged starch in less than 10 minutes

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Solutions for Cereals Lab

  • Analytical Standards

    Ready made analytical standards become more and more popular in everyday laboratory routine.

  • Environmental standards

    Natural, Drinking, Waste Water standards are available in wide range.

  • Petrochemical standards

    Quality measurements of Petroleum products are strictly specified by ASTM, ISO, EN methods. Usage of reference standards is absolutely necessary in this field. 

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Certified Reference Materials

Company profile

AmStandard  is considered as one of the leading supplier of Laboratory equipment and products in Baltic States. Since 2000, AmStandard has helped dozens of Laboratories and Industry Companies save money while obtaining high-quality equipment and services necessary to get their projects expeditiously approved and built.

Our Purpose is to be a leader in this field by providing enhanced services, relationship and profitability.

Our Vision is to provide quality services that exceed the expectations of our esteemed customers.

Our Mission statement is to build long term relationships with our customers and clients and provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through innovation and advanced technology.






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